Celebrate Riku from the Kingdom Hearts franchise on November 11th, 2025 🌙🌀Why November 11th?
There's a tradition at Disney, in which protagonists are assigned birthdays based on the release date of the movie they first appear in. Derived from this, Kingdom Hearts characters are unofficially assigned birthdays based on the release date of the game they're first playable in.For Riku, his birthday is celebrated on the anniversary of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories where he became playable for the first time!
No hateful content
This event is to celebrate Riku and his importance to both the fandom and the Kingdom Hearts universe! We ask all participants and viewers to refrain from contributing hateful content and comments.
Keep it SFW
To make this event open to all audiences, this is a SFW / rated T event. Graphic and adult contents are not allowed.
All mediums are encouraged to participate!
Digital and traditional art, fanfics, poetry, cosplay, gfx, videos, 3D modeling, baking, music, song playlists, and much much more can be shared for Riku Day! Have an idea? Don't hesitate to give it a try! 🌀
All work must be your own
This means no stolen work, no reposting other people's work, no use of AI-generated material, and no plagiarism.
Tag your posts with #KHRikuDay or #KHRikuDay2025
In order to help others find this event and share the Riku love with others, be sure to use the #KHRikuDay or #KHRikuDay2025 tags on sites like Bluesky, Tumblr, Twitter, and AO3!